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Selecta Succulents

Orostachys japonica

Orostachys japonica

Regular price R 17.00
Regular price Sale price R 17.00
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Common Name(s)/Synonym(s): Rock Pine, Cotyledon japonica, Sedum erubescens var. japonicum

Origin: Native to China, Japan and Korea.

Description: This is a small low-growing succulent that forms rosettes of thick fleshy grey/green leaves, that often turn reddish in winter. The rosettes grow up to 8cm in diameter. This succulent is monocarpic, and the rosette dies once it flowers, but new offsets are usually developed first.

Care: This plant can survive in fairly poor soil as long as it’s well draining. Allow soil to dry to the touch in between watering. 

*These plants are sold/couriered bare root without the pot and soil. All plants are approximately the same size as in the photo, for reference, the pots in the photos are 10cm.



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